Richard Lee McNair

Richard Lee McNair
Born December 19, 1958 (1958-12-19) (age 53)
Altus, Oklahoma (Raised in Duncan, Oklahoma)
Charge(s) Murder, attempted murder, burglary, escape
Penalty Life sentence
Status incarcerated at ADX Florence in Florence, Colorado

Richard Lee McNair (born December 19, 1958, in Altus, Oklahoma) is a convicted murderer known for his ability to escape and elude capture. Macnair murdered a man in 1987 during a botched robbery, and is currently serving two terms of life imprisonment for that crime. He has escaped from one jail and two prisons, including a federal prison in April 2006, which resulted in his being featured a dozen times on the TV show America's Most Wanted, and made him one of the top fifteen fugitives wanted by US Marshals. McNair travelled to Canada twice in order to evade capture, travelling across the country for over a year before being apprehended in a random police check. Much of what the public knows about McNair's escape and his time as a fugitive is through McNair's prison correspondence with a Canadian journalist, Byron Christopher.[1]


Early life

On November 1987, while attempting a burglary in Minot, North Dakota, McNair was surprised by two men and murdered one of them. He was later sentenced to two life sentences for murder and attempted murder, and a thirty-year prison sentence for burglary.[1] McNair's murder of Jerry Thies occurred at a grain elevator operated by the Farmers Union Elevator Co. while McNair was a sergeant posted at the nearby Minot Air Force Base. A second man was shot four times, but survived. When the police called McNair in for questioning, McNair surrendered a concealed handgun.[2]

After McNair's arrest, he escaped three times from three different institutions. His means of escape were creative. Once, McNair escaped by using lip balm to slip out of a pair of handcuffs. Another time, he escaped through an air duct. In his final escape, McNair had himself mailed out of prison by hiding inside a pallet-load of mailbags that had been repaired in a prison workshop.[1]

McNair's first escape attempt occurred at the Minot municipal police station in 1988, shortly after he had been arrested. McNair's first period as a fugitive lasted only a few hours, after which McNair was quickly recaptured.[3] After his arrest McNair was handcuffed to a chair and left in a room with three detectives. McNair used lip balm, which he had in his pocket, as a lubricant to squeeze his hands free from the handcuffs. McNair then led police on a footchase through the town, eventually being chased up a three-flight stairway in an effort to evade capture. After becoming surrounded by police on the roof of a three-story building downtown, McNair attempted to jump to a tree branch to escape arrest, but the branch broke. McNair landed on the ground and hurt his back, after which he was easily apprehended. After McNair was released from the hospital, McNair was moved to the Ward County Jail in Minot. In February 1988, sheriff's deputies discovered an attempt by McNair to escape when, after moving McNair to another cell, they found that McNair had chiseled two cinderblocks from the cell in which he was being held.[2]

In October 1992 McNair escaped with two other prisoners from the state penitentiary in Bismarck, North Dakota by crawling through a ventilation duct. One of the prisoners who escaped with McNair was apprehended within hours, and the other within days. After his escape, McNair let his hair grow out and dyed it blonde, and travelled around the United States in stolen cars. McNair remained free for ten months, until he was eventually arrested in Grass Island, Nebraska, in 1993. After his second recapture, the North Dakota Department of Corrections deemed McNair a problematic inmate, and successfully requested that he be transferred to the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. McNair remained in custody until his final escape, over a decade later.[2]

Final Escape

First day

On April 5, 2006, McNair escaped custody from a prison near Pollock, Louisiana.[3] McNair's duties in prison included work in a manufacturing area, where he would repair old, torn mailbags. He held this position for several months, throughout which McNair plotted his escape. McNair escaped by hiding himself in a specially-constructed "escape pod" (which included a breathing tube), which was buried under a pile of mailbags. The pallet was shrink-wrapped and forklifted to a nearby warehouse outside of the prison fence. After prison staff delivered McNair's pallet and went for lunch, McNair cut himself out of his "escape pod" and walked though the unsecured area to freedom. Federal investigators believed that McNair must have received help from other inmates to escape,[2] but McNair has always maintained that he acted alone.

McNair's pallet was shipped out of the prison around 09:45, and he was able to exit the pallet around 11:00. McNair was aware that it would not be until 16:00 that the prison would find him missing. McNair's plan was to move to the nearby town of Alexandria, Louisiana, where he would then steal supplies and transportation.[4]

Hours after his escape from Pollock, McNair was stopped while jogging on a railroad track near Ball, Louisiana by police officer Carl Bordelon. The location of where he was stopped is 31.409,-92.417. Despite having no identification and giving two different names, McNair successfully convinced Bordelon that he was jogging and in town to help on a post-Katrina roofing project. This incident was captured on a video camera mounted in Bordelon's patrol car. McNair proceeded to give Officer Bordelon the alias of Robert Jones. When asked again five minutes later, he gave a different alias, Jimmy Jones. Bordelon did not pick up on this. McNair laughed and joked with the officer, and even as the officer got a matching description of the inmate, McNair appeared collected and calm. Within 10 minutes McNair was back to 'jogging'.[5]

Several factors made it easier for McNair to escape arrest: the photo provided to police was very low-quality and six months old; and, the prison had told police that they were not completely sure that McNair had escaped. The extreme heat and humidity (113F/45C with 80% humidity), with the officer's black uniform and body armour, may have effected the officer's concentration.[4] Bordelon himself claimed that he let McNair escape because the physical description of McNair given to police was completely different than how McNair actually appeared. Over the ten minutes that Bordelon questioned McNair, McNair remained cool and provided completely plausible explanations, eventually convincing Bordelon that his alibi was true.[2]

McNair later wrote that he did not see the cruiser because it was blocked from view by trees, and that he planned to run if he was not able to convince Bordelon of his innocence. McNair later refuted the suggestion that he would have assaulted the police officer if confronted, claiming that he had renounced violence after his initial arrest. McNair described his escape as a "get out of jail free card", and described his feelings after the confrontation with Bordelon as "relief, disbelief, bewilderment." McNair agreed that he did not resemble his prison picture.[4]

Fugitive in Canada

On April 13, 2006 US Marshals added McNair to their 15 Most Wanted list. They noted that McNair was the first prisoner to escape from a federal prison since 1991.[2]

Later that April, about two weeks after his escape, McNair successfully crossed into British Columbia from Blaine, Washington.[4] On April 28, 2006, RCMP in Penticton, British Columbia confronted McNair while investigating a stolen car that he was driving, which was parked at a local beach. The officers asked McNair to step out of the car to be questioned, which he did, but he ran across a nearby field and outran the officers soon after being confronted. The police impounded the car, but did not realize the identity of McNair until two days later, when one of the officers recognized him from an episode of America's Most Wanted. Subsequent investigation found a digital camera full of self-portraits, which police determined were probably for the purpose of producing a fake ID. When authorities examined the car, they found McNair's fingerprints, confirming that he was in Canada.[2]

After escaping arrest in Penticton, McNair rode a bike to Kelowna. Because it took several days for the police to confirm his identity, it was relatively easy for McNair to escape the area. In May 2006 McNair travelled back to the United States, when he drove a Subaru Outback from Vernon, British Columbia to Blaine, Washington.[4] McNair then traveled across the United States, and eventually crossed back into Canada from Minnesota. After arriving back in Canada, McNair traveled through southern Ontario, then traveled west, to Vancouver.

Early on, McNair developed a plan to buy land in central BC, around Williston Lake, after seeing ads for the property. He changed his mind after visiting the area and finding that a drought and pine beetle infestation had devistated the area. The fact that there was only one road in and out of the property also made McNair feel uncomfortable.[4]

In 2007 McNair travelled to eastern Canada. He drove through the Laurentian Highlands in Quebec, where he enjoyed mountain biking. He spent a lot of time around Lac Saint-Jean. McNair nearly attempted to cross back into the United States again at Derby Line, Vermont, but the high security on the American side convinced him that attempting to cross back would be too risky. He eventually travelled through Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Saint John, New Brunswick. McNair spent about two months in Fredericton, New Brunswick, before he was again confronted by police.[4]

Attempts to avoid recapture

On April 8, 2006, three days after McNair's escape, America's Most Wanted ran its first profile of McNair. The program would go on to detail McNair a total of twelve times on television, and nine times on radio. The last time McNair was featured was November 24, 2007, a month after his recapture.[2] Over the period of McNair's time in Canada, Canadian viewers made over 50 reports to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), confirming that the fugitive had been seen north of the border.

McNair watched America's Most Wanted intently, describing the show as a "thorn". McNair confirmed after his capture that, whenever a new episode of America's Most Wanted aired, he would buy food and fuel his vehicle, "then if featured would keep it low for a couple of days".[4]

Throughout his time as a fugitive, McNair tracked his own story on the internet. After his recapture, McNair commented that the ongoing coverage of him was "for the most part true". Louisiana Marshal Glenn Belgard attempted to capture McNair online with the help of a criminal profiler. McNair suspected that the Louisiana police had attempted to contact McNair by posing as a woman online, who said that "she would like to hide [McNair] in her basement." McNair was surprised by the media coverage that focused on him, especially the eleven-page article that appeared in The New Yorker, written by Mark Singer, on October 9, 2006.[1]

McNair owned several laptops while living as a fugitive. After having his laptop seized in Penticton, he began to store most of his information on USB sticks. With the help of a scanner, digital camera, photoshop, and a pet ID website, McNair was able to produce a passable fake Alaska driver's licence. He learned how to rig his video camera to his laptop so that he could cut his own hair.[4] One of McNair's laptops was dedicated solely to monitoring a Louisiana-based website, /, which closely followed all Media coverage of McNair.

In order to support himself, McNair stole vehicles and cash from car dealerships. Because he had once worked as a car salesman himself, McNair knew where to find cash and keys at such dealerships, and how to avoid security. McNair only stole new vehicles: they had window stickers indicating whether a vehicle was equipped with a GPS-style tracking system (if it did, he wouldn't touch it). McNair avoided driving conspicuous-looking vehicles, preferring white vehicles that "everybody has". He once considered stealing a 3/4 ton truck/camper, “but one of the supposed sightings of [McNair] was in North Dakota (of all places) in a truck with camper", so he eventually settled on a van instead.[4]

In one incident, while McNair was staying in a motel near Chilliwack, British Columbia, he left to buy something and returned to find the motel surrounded by a police SWAT team. McNair began to flee in his car, but later found on a local AM radio station that the police were responding to a hostage situation at the motel. McNair then returned to the scene and filmed the standoff with a Sony HD video camera which he had recently purchased. The episode lasted for another twenty minutes.[4]


On October 24, 2007 near Nash Creek, New Brunswick, off-duty RCMP const. Dan Melanson spotted an expensive-looking white cube van with "crappy looking" tinted rear windows and an Ontario licence plate. Suspecting that the van was stolen, and/or being used to smuggle alcohol or cigarettes, Melanson noted the plate number and noted that the van was headed to Campbellton, a nearby town. Melanson did not attempt to apprehend McNair, but his report alerted other RCMP in Campbellton of the presence of McNair's vehicle.[1] (McNair had in fact tinted the windows himself in a London, Ontario park).[4]

The next day Const. Stephane Gagnon, a six-week rookie, spotted McNair's van by chance in downtown Campbellton, and pursued it. Following a low-speed car chase and a subsequent foot chase, McNair was successfully arrested by Gagnon with the help of his field coach, Const. Nelson Lavesque. In October 2008 the US-based International Association of Chiefs of Police awarded Melanson the Looking Beyond the Licence Plate Grand Prize for his role in apprehending McNair. McNair himself described his capture as simply the product of bad luck: as he put it, it was "just one of those days."[1] McNair was transferred to the Atlantic Institution, a Canadian federal maximum security penitentiary, while awaiting extradition to the United States.[6]

Mounties later told the media that McNair was cooperative after his capture, and even joked with them. When one officer asked McNair what the reward was for his capture, McNair replied "$25,000". "That's not much" said the cop. McNair replied that was because "all of the government money is tied up in Osama Bin Laden's reward." McNair later described the Campbellton RCMP as "good men doing their job".[4]

Current living conditions


McNair (Federal Bureau of Prisons ID # 13829-045) is currently incarcerated in the Administrative Maximum (ADX) facility near Florence, Colorado.[7] ADX Florence has a reputation as "the Alcatraz of the Rockies". It houses some of the country's best-known public enemies.[1]

McNair now spends most of every day in a 12'x7' concrete cell. He lives in a pod with five other prisoners, who he cannot see. His only human contact is with the prison guards, who he can communicate with only through a barrier of steel and bulletproof glass. McNair has no access to the internet or a telephone, and his only means of communication with the outside world is via mail. Prison staff screen and freely censor McNair's incoming and outgoing mail.[1]

In his media correspondence, McNair described his location as the "most secure section of the most secure prison in the world", but expressed reservations about discussing specific details of his incarceration. "Thank God for prisons", McNair wrote. "There are some very sick people in here... Animals you would never want living near your family or the public in general. I don't know how corrections staff deal with it. They get spit on, shit on, abused and I have seen them risk their own lives and save a prisoner many times."[1]

Media correspondence

In 2008, Byron Christopher, a crime reporter from the same New Brunswick town where McNair was captured, began a correspondence with McNair via mail. In his first letter, Christopher included a picture that he had taken of the town, taken near the place that McNair was arrested. He told McNair that he hoped the Campbellton Chamber of Commerce would write a cheque to McNair for all the publicity he had brought to the town, and wrote to McNair about the recent World Series and federal election. Christopher included three American dollars in order to cover the cost of paper and postage. The prison returned his money.[1]

When McNair wrote back to Christopher, it was his first response to the media. The letter revealed many personal details about McNair's most recent escape which had previously been unknown. Revealing that he had spent time hiding in Fredricton, New Brunswick, McNair described Fredricton's residents as "very friendly and well educated." He revealed that his favorite magazine was the Christian Science Monitor. Campbellton's local newspaper, the Tribune, covered the correspondence in detail.[1]

In subsequent letters to Christopher, McNair revealed details about his escape and travels through Canada, providing most of what the public knows about McNair's time as a fugitive. McNair had an interest in discussing his story with a British TV reporter, but suspects that the correspondence may have been terminated by prison censors.[1]

Book on McNair

Award-winning Canadian reporter Byron Christopher has announced that he will release a biography on McNair through a New York publishing company in the fall of 2012. The book will be a follow-up to "The Running Man" series, published by The Tribune newspaper of Campbellton, New Brunswick, in 2009.

See also

Crime portal
Biography portal


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Bayens, Stuart P. "Deadmonton - Richard Lee McNair". Last Link on the Left. May 15, 2009. Retrieved September 22, 2011.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h "Richard Lee McNair". America's Most Wanted. September 18, 2008. Retrieved September 22, 2011.
  3. ^ a b "Inmate Escapes from Pollock Penitentiary." Federal Bureau of Prisons. April 5, 2006. Retrieved on May 29, 2010.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Christopher, Byron. "Richard Lee McNair Breaks His Silence". Last Link on the Left. May 14, 2009. Retrieved September 22, 2011.
  5. ^ "Public Domain Video Ball, La. Police Officer Carl Bordelon Interview of Richard Lee McNair". 
  6. ^ "Mounties capture 'Most Wanted' killer in N.B.". CBC News. 2007-10-25. Retrieved 2007-10-25. 
  7. ^ "Federal Bureau of Prisons - Inmate Locator". Federal Bureau of Prisons. Retrieved 2009-04-11. 
